The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip - South Africa follows the drama-filled adventures of a group of housewives from different locations in the Real Housewives franchise as they embark on a luxurious vacation to South Africa. As the women come together to relax and unwind in the beautiful South African landscape, tensions quickly rise as old rivalries are reignited and new conflicts emerge.
The group dynamics are constantly shifting as alliances are formed and broken, with each woman bringing their own unique personality, style, and drama to the trip. From extravagant dinners to adventurous safari outings, the women navigate the challenges of traveling together while also dealing with personal issues and drama from back home.
As the trip unfolds, secrets are revealed, confrontations escalate, and friendships are tested like never before. With cameras capturing every moment, viewers are given a front-row seat to the drama, emotions, and high-stakes interactions that come with bringing together a group of strong-willed and opinionated women on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation.