"The Jungle Bunch: To the Rescue" is an animated TV series that follows Maurice, a penguin who was raised in the jungle by a tiger named Tigre. Due to being raised among tigers, Maurice believes he is a tiger himself and possesses skills and instincts typical of a big cat rather than a penguin. Alongside his friends, who are also misfit animals with unique abilities and personalities, Maurice forms the Jungle Bunch.
The Jungle Bunch consists of various quirky characters including a gorilla named Al, a fish named Bob, a bat named Batricia, a tarsier named Gilbert, and a pangolin named Miguel. Each member of the Jungle Bunch contributes their special talents to the group, making them a formidable team despite their differences.
Throughout the series, the Jungle Bunch embarks on daring missions to protect and rescue other animals in the jungle who are in trouble. They face various challenges and adversaries, including the evil koala Igor and his gang of baboons who often cause havoc in the jungle.
The show combines adventure, comedy, and teamwork, emphasizing themes of friendship, courage, and acceptance of diversity. Maurice's leadership and the Jungle Bunch's determination to help those in need drive the plot forward as they encounter different adventures and learn valuable lessons along the way.