South Korea
"The Frog" follows the story of Ryan, a middle-aged man who runs a vacation rental property in a small coastal town. His life is turned upside down when a mysterious woman named Lily checks into one of his rental properties. Lily is enigmatic and alluring, sparking curiosity and intrigue among Ryan and the other residents of the town.
As Lily settles into the community, strange and unsettling events begin to occur. Ryan and his neighbors start to suspect that Lily may not be who she claims to be, and as they dig deeper into her past, they uncover a tangled web of secrets and lies.
As the tension escalates, relationships are tested, alliances are formed, and loyalties are questioned. Ryan finds himself drawn to Lily despite the mounting evidence against her, and he must navigate the increasingly murky waters of their relationship.
As the truth about Lily's past is revealed, Ryan and the townspeople must come to terms with the consequences of their actions and decisions. The tranquil summer that started with so much promise now hangs in the balance, as the dark secrets of the past threaten to destroy everything they hold dear. In the end, Ryan must confront his own demons and make a difficult choice that will change the course of his life forever.