In the TV Rick and Morty: The Anime, the Smith family finds themselves trapped in an alternate reality where their lives are transformed into an anime. Although their appearances and surroundings have changed, their personalities and dynamics remain intact.
Rick, the eccentric genius scientist, finds himself exploring a pseudo-world, similar to the realms he has encountered in his previous adventures. He immerses himself in the anime world, tinkering with unfamiliar technology and discovering hidden powers while navigating through various dimensions. As he delves deeper into this pseudo-world, he becomes aware of the twisted rules and dark secrets that govern its existence. Rick, being the cunning and resourceful character that he is, embarks on a mission to unravel the truth behind this anime universe and find a way for his family to escape.
Summer, Rick's teenage granddaughter, takes on the role of the witty and determined heroine. She is tasked with aiding Space Beth, who has also been absorbed into the anime world. Together, they navigate through epic battles and dangerous situations, using their intelligence and newly acquired skills to outwit enemies and uncover the mysteries surrounding their entrapment.
Morty, as usual, finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of emotions. During their transformation into anime characters, Morty falls head over heels in love with a captivating anime girl. Fuelled by teenage infatuation, he embarks on an emotional journey to win her affection, while simultaneously dealing with the usual pressures of school, family, and navigating the treacherous anime world around him. Morty's adolescent struggles add a comedic touch to the overall storyline, balancing the intense action and adventure with humorous, heartfelt moments.
As the season progresses, the Smith family's adventures in the anime realm intertwine with their attempts to escape and return to their original reality. Each episode reveals new layers of the pseudo-world's complexity and the secrets that Rick and his family must unravel. The TV Rick and Morty: The Anime combines the show's trademark dark humor and intelligent storytelling with the visual style and tropes of the anime genre, providing a unique and captivating twist to the beloved Rick and Morty universe.