Despite their sudden wealth, the dysfunctional family continues to struggle with their individual issues. Loic, the father, who dreams of buying back Montrex to right the wrongs of his family, becomes obsessed with his financial advisor, Jean-Hubert, even though he is ill-qualified and takes advantage of Loic's trust.
As they settle into their new lavish lifestyle in the Geneva Palace, tensions arise between family members. Loic's wife, Marion, feels isolated as her husband becomes consumed by his dream, neglecting her and their children. Their teenage daughter, Chloe, rebels against her parents' newfound wealth and indulges in reckless behavior. Meanwhile, their son, Nicolas, struggles with feelings of inadequacy as he tries to find his place in their opulent new surroundings.
Unbeknownst to the family, Jean-Hubert is not the trustworthy advisor he claims to be. Instead, he has been scheming behind the scenes, using the family's newfound fortune for his own personal gain. As the family's financial situation becomes increasingly precarious, Loic begins to suspect Jean-Hubert's true intentions but finds himself torn between his dream of buying back Montrex and protecting his family.
As the plot unfolds, secrets and betrayals come to light, further complicating the family's already strained relationships. Marion, fed up with being neglected, seeks solace outside of her marriage. Chloe's rebellious behavior leads her down a dangerous path, putting herself and her family at risk. Nicolas, desperately searching for a sense of belonging, falls into Jean-Hubert's manipulative clutches.
Eventually, the family realizes the extent of Jean-Hubert's deceit and must come together to confront him. Through trials and tribulations, they learn that money can't solve their deep-rooted problems and that true happiness lies in their unity and love for one another.
"Lucky Day" explores themes of greed, family dynamics, and the pursuit of dreams. It delves into the consequences of sudden wealth and the importance of maintaining strong relationships amidst life's challenges.