Spain,United States of America
"Los artistas: Primeros trazos" follows the story of Cata, an art expert struggling in his personal and professional life. He meets Iago by chance, a seller of trinkets to inexperienced collectors. As they interact, Cata begins to learn about the world of collecting and selling art from Iago. The two develop a unique friendship and partnership as they navigate the art world together.
As the series progresses, Cata and Iago encounter various challenges within the art world, including unscrupulous competitors, ethical dilemmas, and personal struggles. The show delves into themes of authenticity, creativity, and the value of art in society. Through their experiences together, both characters undergo personal growth as they redefine their understanding of art and its place in their lives.
The plot unfolds with a mix of drama, humor, and emotional depth as Cata and Iago's friendship evolves alongside their adventures in the art world. Overall "Los artistas: Primeros trazos" is a compelling exploration of friendship and self-discovery set against the backdrop of Mexico's vibrant artistic culture.