TV Glitter is a Polish television series that premiered on TVP2 in October 2021. The show is set in 1976 Sopot, a picturesque vacation destination on the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. It follows three women - Wiktoria (played by Maria Debska), Elka (played by Anita Jancia-Prokopowicz) and Bogna (played by Katarzyna Kwiatkowska) - as they pursue their dreams against the backdrop of social and political upheaval.
Wiktoria is a talented but struggling singer who dreams of making it big in the music industry. Elka is a divorced mother of two who works as a hairdresser and dreams of owning her own salon. Bogna is a widow who runs a small grocery store and dreams of finding love again.
As the women try to achieve their goals, they encounter various obstacles and challenges. They face discrimination and sexism in their respective industries, and also have to deal with the strict social norms and censorship of the communist regime in Poland at the time.
The series explores themes of female empowerment, friendship, romance, and the struggle for social and economic mobility in a rapidly changing society. It also features an impressive soundtrack of classic Polish and international songs from the 1970s.
Overall, TV Glitter is a heartwarming and entertaining drama that offers a nostalgic look at a pivotal time in Poland's history.