United States of America
Coupling is a comedy series that follows the personal and sexual adventures of six friends in their thirties living in London. The show centers around the romantic relationships, intimacy issues, and dating mishaps of the three male and three female characters. The main characters include Steve Taylor, a happy-go-lucky guy who has a hard time sticking to one woman; his best friend Jeff Murdock, who is obsessed with sex and has an uncanny ability to sabotage his own relationships with women; and their mutual friend Patrick Maitland, a handsome and suave ladies' man who is always on the lookout for his next conquest. The female characters include Susan Walker, who is in a long-term relationship with Steve, but struggles with her jealousy and insecurity; Sally Harper, a confident and sexually empowered woman who is attracted to Patrick but can't seem to get him to commit; and Jane Christie, a neurotic and self-conscious woman who is always looking for the perfect man. The show uses flashbacks, visual gags, and witty banter to explore the complexities of modern relationships and the differences between the sexes.