"Baby Reindeer" follows the story of a struggling comedian named Sam, who finds himself at a low point in his career. After one of his performances, he encounters a vulnerable woman named Ruth, who reveals that she is dealing with her own personal struggles and feeling isolated from the world.
In an act of kindness, Sam offers her a comforting conversation and shows genuine concern for her well-being. This small gesture of compassion unexpectedly sparks an intense and suffocating obsession within Ruth, who becomes fixated on Sam. She begins to stalk him relentlessly, infiltrating his personal life and infiltrating his every move. Sam is initially flattered by the attention, but as Ruth's obsession escalates, it begins to take a toll on both of their lives.
Ruth's obsession with Sam starts to consume her every thought and action, leading her to make questionable decisions and crossing the line between admiration and harassment. As the story unfolds, it becomes increasingly clear that Ruth's mental state is deteriorating, and she becomes increasingly unhinged.
Sam, on the other hand, starts to feel trapped and hounded by Ruth's relentless pursuit. He becomes increasingly fearful for his safety and begins to question whether his initial act of kindness was worth the consequences. He is torn between wanting to help Ruth and wanting to protect himself from her unpredictable behavior.
As the plot progresses, the unhealthy and dangerous dynamic between Sam and Ruth escalates to a breaking point. Their lives intertwine in increasingly destructive ways, and both characters find themselves in a battle for their sanity and well-being. The story ultimately explores themes of obsession, the blurred lines between compassion and manipulation, and the consequences of one moment's kindness turning into a nightmare.