The TV show delves into the early years of Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar, showcasing their struggles, aspirations, and determination to make a mark in the world of cinema. It explores their creative process, their unprecedented success with iconic films like Zanjeer, Deewar, and Sholay, and the impact they had on Indian cinema.
The show also delves into the personal lives of Salim and Javed, their friendship, conflicts, and eventual break-up. It delves into the factors that led to their falling out, the bitter disputes and legal battles that followed, and the legacy they left behind.
Additionally, the show delves into the cultural and social context of 1970s India, exploring how the Angry Young Man archetype resonated with audiences, challenged societal norms, and influenced a generation of filmmakers and actors. It also delves into the evolution of Hindi cinema during that era, showcasing the power dynamics within the industry, the struggles faced by writers, and the shifting trends in storytelling.
Overall, Angry Young Men: The Salim-Javed Story is a gripping, insightful, and emotional journey that celebrates the genius of two remarkable screenwriters and the enduring impact of their work on Indian cinema.