United States of America
The movie delves into the personal life of Steve McNair, a beloved NFL quarterback, and his tumultuous relationship with Sahel Kazemi, a young woman he was having an affair with. As their relationship becomes more intense, it becomes clear that Sahel has a possessive and jealous streak. Eventually, the situation escalates to a tragic end when Sahel shoots McNair and then turns the gun on herself.
The film explores the events leading up to the murder, the investigation that followed, and the aftermath as McNair's family, friends, and fans struggle to come to terms with his untimely death. It raises questions about the true nature of McNair and Sahel's relationship and the motivations behind the crime, as well as the impact it had on those left behind.
Through interviews with those close to McNair, police investigators, and others involved in the case, Untold: The Murder of Air McNair sheds light on the complexities of the situation and seeks to uncover the truth behind the tragic events that unfolded.