As the story progresses, Kamal and Lasse's paths cross when Kamal starts doing odd jobs around the apartment block to earn money for his ticket to Nairobi. Lasse initially shows his racist tendencies towards Kamal but slowly starts to warm up to him as he gets to know more about Kamal's background and dreams.
Meanwhile, Kamal faces obstacles in his journey to earn enough money for the ticket, including encountering racism and discrimination from others in the community. Despite these challenges, Kamal continues to persevere and eventually earns enough money for the ticket with the help of Lasse and some other kind-hearted residents of the apartment block.
As Kamal prepares to leave for Nairobi, Lasse realizes the error of his ways and reflects on his past prejudices. The film ends on a hopeful note, with Lasse apologizing to Kamal for his racist behavior and wishing him luck on his journey to Nairobi. The two unlikely friends part ways, both changed for the better by their unexpected journey together.