United States of America
"The Last Five Days: The Freak Building" is a fictional movie that centers around Chuck and Greg's father, who works as a security guard in a company that is set to close down in December 1996. On his last shift, he decides to document any paranormal activity he encounters during the night.
As the night progresses, strange and unsettling events begin to unfold within the company's building. Chuck and Greg, presumably his sons, may become involved as they try to understand and possibly help their father amidst the supernatural occurrences. The plot likely revolves around the mystery of why these paranormal phenomena are happening and how it relates to the company's closure.
The movie is likely to delve into themes of supernatural horror, suspense, and possibly family dynamics as Chuck and Greg navigate through the eerie events surrounding their father's final night on duty. The setting of a deserted, soon-to-be-closed building adds to the atmospheric tension and suspense of the story.