United States of America
Sure! In the movie, the emotionally distant writer, named Alex, initially struggles to connect with his family as he copes with his mother's passing. His high-strung sister, Sarah, constantly tries to engage him in family affairs, while his bumbling but well-meaning father, Jack, tries to keep the peace. Alex also has a strained relationship with his step-father, Jason, who he believes is untrustworthy.
During his time in Cleveland, Alex meets a charming and energetic stranger named Emily, who takes an interest in him and encourages him to open up about his feelings and confront his past. Through their interactions, Alex begins to realize that he can't keep avoiding conflict and emotional intimacy forever.
As Alex navigates the complexities of his relationships with his family members and with Emily, he is forced to confront his own emotional barriers and come to terms with unresolved issues from his past. Ultimately, the journey back to his hometown for his mother's funeral becomes a catalyst for personal growth and healing for Alex, and he learns the importance of facing his vulnerabilities and connecting with the people who matter most to him.