United States of America
Clarence, a former successful businessman, finds himself in dire straits as he struggles to provide for his wife and children. Desperate for a way out of his financial troubles, he becomes entranced by the charismatic preaching of a new religious leader known as the Messiah.
As Clarence becomes more involved in the Messiah's movement, he begins to believe that following this divine path is his only chance at redemption and salvation. He ignores the warnings of his family and friends, who are concerned about the questionable practices of the Messiah and his apostles.
Despite the risks and sacrifices he must make, Clarence becomes deeply entrenched in the world of the Messiah, hoping that his faith will lead him to a better life. However, as he delves deeper into the teachings of the Messiah, he begins to question the authenticity of the movement and the motives of its leaders.
Clarence must ultimately decide whether his belief in the Messiah is genuine or simply a desperate attempt to escape his troubles. As he confronts the harsh realities of his situation, he must find the strength to break free from his debt and reclaim control of his life, relying on his own inner strength rather than the promises of a false prophet.