United States of America
In the movie Spread, the gigolo named Nikki, played by Ashton Kutcher, leads a luxurious and carefree lifestyle in Los Angeles, seducing wealthy older women for money and gifts. However, his life takes a turn when he meets a beautiful and ambitious young woman named Heather, played by Anne Heche. Despite initially seeing her as just another conquest, Nikki gradually starts to develop real feelings for Heather and begins to question his shallow and superficial existence.
As Nikki and Heather's relationship deepens, he starts to struggle with his conflicting emotions and the consequences of his lifestyle. He also faces competition from another gigolo named Harry, played by Sebastian Stan, who threatens to steal Heather away from him.
As Nikki navigates the complexities of his relationships and grapples with his feelings for Heather, he is forced to confront the reality of his choices and decide whether true love is worth sacrificing his comfortable and hedonistic lifestyle for. Ultimately, Spread explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the price of living a life based on superficiality and materialism.