United States of America
In Smoking Tigers, the protagonist, Lily Park, is a talented and ambitious high school student who dreams of attending an Ivy League university. However, she faces many obstacles along the way. At home, Lily's family struggles to make ends meet, with her immigrant parents working long hours to provide for her and her siblings. At school, Lily is one of the few Asian students in a predominantly white and wealthy environment, leading to microaggressions and discrimination from her classmates.
Despite these challenges, Lily finds solace and strength in her passion for martial arts, specifically, Taekwondo. She joins a local dojang and trains rigorously, eventually becoming a skilled fighter and earning the nickname "Smoking Tiger" for her fierce determination and skill.
As tensions between Lily's personal struggles and societal expectations reach a boiling point, she must confront her own identity and decide who she wants to be. With the support of her family, friends, and martial arts community, Lily ultimately finds the courage to stand up for herself and pursue her dreams, challenging stereotypes and breaking barriers in the process. Smoking Tigers is a coming-of-age story that explores themes of identity, race, class, and perseverance in the face of adversity.