Return to Reason: Four Films by Man Ray Movie watch online websites

Awakening Shadows: A Surreal Journey with Man Ray

Drama  France,United Kingdom 

Sure! "Return to Reason: Four Films by Man Ray" is a collection of four short experimental films created by Man Ray in the 1920s and 1930s. The films included in this collection are "Le Retour à la Raison" (Return to Reason), "L'Etoile de Mer" (The Starfish), "Emak-Bakia" (Leave Me Alone), and "Les Mysteres du Château de Dé" (The Mysteries of the Château de Dé).

Each film explores surreal and dreamlike visuals, often incorporating techniques such as montage, superimposition, and distortion to create a sense of disorientation and wonder. The films are characterized by their abstract and enigmatic narratives, as well as their striking imagery and experimental use of light and shadow.

"Return to Reason: Four Films by Man Ray" offers viewers a glimpse into the avant-garde world of one of the most innovative artists of the 20th century, showcasing Man Ray's unique vision and groundbreaking approach to filmmaking. The atmospheric music of SQÜRL further enhances the immersive and otherworldly experience of watching these seminal works of experimental cinema.

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