Animation,Science Fiction,Action
United States of America
Set in a parallel universe, the Justice League and their allies are facing an unprecedented crisis. As the Anti-Monitor continues to wreak havoc across the multiverse, Earths are being decimated one by one, with entire civilizations and heroes being wiped out in a matter of seconds. The remaining planets are left in a desperate state, with time itself being torn apart.
As the heroes struggle to come to terms with the scale of the threat, they are joined by allies from the past, including legendary heroes and figures from different eras. Together, they embark on a last-ditch effort to thwart the Anti-Monitor's plans and save the remaining worlds.
However, as they face the ultimate battle against the embodiment of evil, the heroes are forced to make personal sacrifices and difficult decisions. With time running out and the stakes higher than ever, the Justice League and their allies must confront their own doubts and fears as they fight for the survival of all existence.
Amidst the chaos and destruction, the heroes must confront the possibility that their efforts may not be enough to save everyone. The fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance, and the sacrifices made by the superheroes will ultimately determine whether hope can triumph over despair in the face of the ultimate threat.