United States of America
"Higher and Higher" is a 1943 musical film directed by Tim Whelan. The film follows the story of a valet, Mike O'Brien (played by Jack Haley), who works for a bankrupt millionaire named Thaddeus J. Waring (played by Victor Moore). Mike O'Brien comes up with a plan to help his boss regain his fortune by passing off a young scullery maid, Annie (played by Michèle Morgan), as high society debutante.
As part of the plan, they organize an elaborate masquerade ball where Annie is introduced as "Princess Zelda." However, complications arise when various guests become suspicious of her true background. Throughout the film, there are comedic situations as Annie tries to navigate the upscale world she is thrust into while trying to keep her true identity hidden.
Meanwhile, romantic subplots develop between various characters in the story. For example, there’s romance between Mike and socialite Brenda Lane (played by Martha O'Driscoll) and also between Thaddeus' daughter Susan (played by Mary Wickes) and struggling songwriter Jimmy Connors (played by Frank Sinatra).
The plot includes plenty of musical numbers featuring Frank Sinatra and other cast members. As the story unfolds, unexpected twists and turns occur that test the characters' relationships and their ability to maintain their deception.
Overall, "Higher and Higher" is a lighthearted musical comedy that showcases themes of love, ambition, class differences – all wrapped up in an entertaining package with catchy tunes.