Certainly! "Hibang" follows the story of a girl named Eliza who wakes up with amnesia after a traumatic event. She has no memory of her past or the people in her life, including her former friend, Mark. As she struggles to piece together her fragmented memories, she begins to uncover dark and unsettling secrets about her past.
Mark, determined to help Eliza regain her memory, delves into their shared history and discovers that their friendship was not as innocent as he once believed. As he unravels the mystery surrounding Eliza's amnesia, he realizes that there are hidden agendas at play and that not everyone is who they claim to be.
As Eliza's memories start resurfacing in bits and pieces, she becomes haunted by disturbing visions and uncovers shocking truths about herself and those around her. The film takes viewers on a suspenseful journey as it explores themes of betrayal, manipulation, and the complexities of memory.
The plot twists and turns as Eliza's quest for truth leads to unexpected revelations about her own identity and the events that led to her amnesia. "Hibang" creates a gripping narrative filled with mystery and psychological tension as Eliza grapples with uncovering the truth amidst deception and hidden motives.