United Kingdom
Plot Details:
"Firecracker" follows the story of three individuals, each with their own distinct backgrounds, who are forced to come together in an unexpected turn of events. The movie explores their struggles to survive a heist gone wrong while facing not only physical danger but also their internal conflicts and personal demons on bonfire night.
The unlikely trio consists of:
1. Max: A skilled and experienced mastermind of the criminal underworld. Max is known for his meticulous planning and execution in carrying out heists. However, during this particular job, something goes terribly awry. Max finds himself wounded and trapped within the chaos of the botched heist, desperately trying to come up with a new plan to save himself and their hostage, while dealing with the guilt of unintentionally putting them in harm's way.
2. Sarah: A young and innocent hostage who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sarah finds herself caught up in the dangerous situation, terrified and uncertain of her fate. As the events unfold, she realizes that she must summon courage she never knew she had to navigate the life-or-death circumstances and ultimately play a crucial role in their survival.
3. Logan: A troubled and enigmatic ex-cop who had chosen a life of seclusion due to his tumultuous past. When he inadvertently stumbles upon the unfolding heist, he must decide between turning a blind eye or intervening. Driven by his own moral compass and haunted by past failures, Logan reluctantly steps into the perilous situation to save Max and Sarah, reconnecting with his forgotten sense of duty and purpose.
As bonfire night rages on, with fireworks lighting up the sky and mirroring the ensuing chaos and danger, the trio must work together and rely on their individual strengths to outmaneuver the various obstacles and ruthless criminal elements that stand in their way. Along the way, they discover unexpected alliances, confront their darkest fears, and find redemption amidst the turmoil.
Through tightly woven suspense, high-stakes action sequences, and the characters' emotional journeys, "Firecracker" explores themes of resilience, redemption, and the frailty of the human psyche in the face of extreme circumstances.