United States of America
The movie Escape from Germany follows the harrowing journey of the 85 American missionaries as they flee from Nazi Germany. As Hitler's forces close in on them, the missionaries must rely on their faith, resourcefulness, and the help of sympathetic locals to make their way to safety.
The missionaries face numerous obstacles and dangers along the way, including Nazi checkpoints, hostile soldiers, and the ever-present threat of capture. As they travel through Germany, they must constantly be on the lookout for potential informants and spies who may betray them to the authorities.
Despite the challenges they face, the missionaries are determined to make it to safety and continue serving their church. Along the way, they form strong bonds with each other and with the people who help them, reinforcing their belief in the power of faith and community.
As they finally reach the border and make their escape from Germany, the missionaries are filled with a sense of relief and gratitude. Their incredible story of survival and perseverance serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.