United States of America
The movie follows Brittany Schmitt, a wild and free-spirited woman from Wisconsin who has lived a life filled with sex, drugs, and basketball. However, after realizing she wants more out of life, Brittany decides to turn her life around and become a housewife.
Throughout the film, viewers see Brittany's transformation as she navigates the challenges of leaving her wild past behind and embracing a more conventional lifestyle. Along the way, she faces judgment and skepticism from those around her, but she remains determined to prove that she can change and create a new life for herself.
As Brittany navigates the ups and downs of her journey, she uses her signature brand of blunt humor to cope with the challenges she faces. From dealing with unexpected obstacles to confronting her past mistakes, Brittany's journey is filled with hilarious moments and heartfelt lessons.
Ultimately, "Brittany Schmitt: From Ho to Housewife" is a comedy special that celebrates self-discovery, growth, and the power of embracing change. It is a story of resilience, humor, and the courage to rewrite one's own narrative.