As Kara Woods, a successful web model, continues to receive disturbing messages from an obsessed fan, she becomes increasingly frightened and seeks help from renowned security influencer Cody Valentine. Cody, known for his expertise in protecting high-profile individuals, agrees to assist Kara in this distressing situation.
As they begin investigating the online harassment, Cody discovers that the stalker has been meticulously gathering personal information about Kara, including her daily routines, favorite places, and even private details she had never publicly shared. It becomes evident that the stalker's obsession with Kara has escalated to a dangerous level.
With the stalker growing bolder, they start to realize that he is not satisfied with just online interactions. He begins to show up at various public appearances where Kara is showcased, disrupting her life and instilling a constant state of fear. Kara's career, once thriving, starts to suffer as she struggles to maintain her online presence and cope with the stalker's escalating physical presence.
To make matters worse, the stalker becomes more cunning, purposely evading security measures and finding ways to get closer to Kara. Cody, determined to protect her, intensifies his efforts, but the stalker always seems to be one step ahead.
In a desperate attempt to bring an end to the torment, Cody and Kara work alongside local law enforcement, diligently piecing together evidence and digging deeper into the stalker's past. They uncover a trail of previous victims, all of whom suffered similar fates, driving home the realization that their battle against this deranged individual goes far beyond Kara alone.
As the tension rises to a breaking point, the stalker makes one final, terrifying move, endangering Kara's life in an ultimate act of obsession. With time running out, Cody must use all of his skills and resources to outwit the stalker and save Kara from the clutches of this disturbed individual. Their lives intertwine in a climactic showdown, where the mysteries surrounding the stalker's motives are unveiled, leading to a heart-stopping conclusion.