In "A Costa Rican Wedding," the story revolves around the charming and endearing maid of honor, Emma, who is tasked with organizing her best friend’s wedding in the picturesque landscapes of Costa Rica. Emma, known for her clumsiness and tendency to create chaos in stressful situations, is determined to make the day perfect, but everything seems to go wrong.
As the wedding approaches, Emma faces one mishap after another — from mix-ups with invitations to a disastrous cake incident. To make matters worse, she has to deal with her childhood rival, Alex, who has been assigned as the best man. Alex is handsome, confident, and organized, making him the epitome of the "perfect partner" that Emma feels she can never compete with.
Initially, the two share a contentious relationship, filled with witty banter and playful jabs. However, as the wedding day looms closer and Emma struggles to keep everything on track, they find themselves forced to work together. Through their collaboration, Emma begins to see a different side of Alex — his compassionate nature emerges as he helps her navigate the challenges that arise.
As they spend time together, Emma and Alex's rivalry slowly transforms into unexpected chemistry. They share moments of vulnerability and laughter, leading to a budding romance that complicates Emma’s responsibilities as maid of honor. Just when things seem to be falling into place, another series of incidents threaten to derail the wedding, pushing Emma and Alex to confront their feelings for each other.
In the end, against the backdrop of breathtaking Costa Rican scenery, Emma learns to embrace both her imperfections and strengths. The film culminates in a heartwarming wedding ceremony, where the bonds of friendship and love shine through, reminding everyone that even the most chaotic situations can lead to beautiful outcomes. Emma and Alex must decide whether they can put aside their past rivalry to create a future together, marking a new chapter in their lives.