Dokter Tinus TV Show streaming platforms

Blood Fears and Rural Challenges: The Unwanted Doctor

Comedy,Drama  Netherlands 

Dokter Tinus is a Dutch TV series that premiered in 2012 and ran for eight seasons. The series focuses on the story of a successful vascular surgeon named Martinus Elsenbosch, also called Tinus, who is suddenly hit by a blood phobia that makes it impossible for him to continue in his job at the hospital. In search of a new start, he moves from the city to the countryside to take up the role of a general practitioner in the fictional village of Wourkem.

Initially, Tinus is not very warmly welcomed by the villagers, who are still grieving the loss of their beloved previous doctor. Tinus' difficulties are compounded by his lack of social skills, a weakness that he is prone to cover up with his perceived intelligence. In most cases, his knowledge does indeed prove useful, but his arrogant and condescending attitude rubs the villagers the wrong way.

However, throughout the series, Tinus grows as a character and slowly starts forging relationships with some of the villagers, including the town's policewoman and the town's mayor, both of whom become his closest allies. As he succeeds in treating more patients, Tinus begins to gain the trust and the respect of his community.

As the series progresses, Tinus gets involved in several comedic scenarios, often involving his personal life and romantic relationships. Despite his shortcomings, he remains a popular and beloved character, and the series goes on to become a hit in the Netherlands.


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