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Brothers Beyond Divorce: A Tale of Friendship

Drama,Comedy  Netherlands 

The three men are named Tom, Steve, and Dave. Tom is a successful lawyer who was blindsided by his wife's decision to leave him for her yoga instructor. Steve is a stay-at-home dad who gave up his career to care for his children, but now finds himself struggling to adjust to life as a single parent. Dave is a serial monogamist who is still reeling from his breakup with his long-term girlfriend.

The men initially move in together as a way to save money on housing expenses during their divorces, but they quickly become close friends and confidants. They spend their days commiserating over their failed marriages, binge-watching TV shows, and trying to navigate the confusing world of online dating.

As the series progresses, each of the men faces their own unique challenges. Tom must come to terms with his wife's infidelity and learn to trust again. Steve struggles to balance his responsibilities as a parent with his own desires for a social life. Dave grapples with his fear of commitment and the possibility of finding true love.

Throughout it all, the men rely on each other for support and guidance. They offer each other a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, and a hearty dose of tough love when needed. Together, they learn that even in the midst of heartbreak and uncertainty, true friendship can be a source of comfort and strength.

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