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Destined Colors: A Mother's Mystery Unfolds

Drama  South Korea 

Color Rush is a South Korean drama series that follows the story of Yeon-woo, a young man who suffers from neurological blindness, meaning that he can only see in shades of grey. One day, he meets Yoo-han, and suddenly experiences a color rush, which allows him to see colors through intense emotions. Yeon-woo is intrigued by this new phenomenon, and begins to look for ways to experience more of these rushes.

As Yeon-woo and Yoo-han get to know each other better, they begin to develop feelings for each other, and the question of whether they are destined to be together becomes an ever-present theme. However, there are also darker elements to the story, as Yeon-woo's mother disappeared when he was young, and he has been searching for her ever since.

As the series progresses, Yeon-woo and Yoo-han's relationship deepens, and Yeon-woo is able to experience more and more color rushes. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including prejudice and discrimination from those who don't understand Yeon-woo's condition. Ultimately, however, their love for each other proves stronger than anything that stands in their way.


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