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Haunted Shadows: A Detective's Descent into Darkness

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Sour is a thrilling horror movie detailing the story of a detective named Jack who moves into an old, creaky house with his young niece, Lily. The house appears to be haunted, which adds to the eerie atmosphere of the place. While investigating a case, Jack gets fired from his job, and now he is struggling to make ends meet. So, he moves into the house, which comes with cheap rent.

Lily is struggling to adapt to the new surroundings, and Jack is preoccupied with finding a new job. However, as time passes, strange things begin to happen. At first, the noises in the house seem like typical creaks and groans, but soon they can't be ignored. Then there is the creepy landlord named Jay who comes across as abusive and menacing.

Jay always seems to be lurking around the property, and the more Jack learns about him, the less he likes him. Jack becomes increasingly worried about Lily's safety, especially after a few close calls with Jay. Things escalate when Jack finds a hidden room in the house that seems to have a dark past.

As Jack begins to unravel the secrets of his new home, he discovers the history behind the hauntings that have been plaguing them. But it's not just a ghost that's causing problems for Jack and Lily. They soon realize that Jay's aggressive behavior is rooted in something far more sinister than they could have ever imagined.

Ultimately, Sour is a story of survival and resilience as Jack and Lily navigate the perilous waters of their haunted house and their abusive landlord. A rollercoaster of a movie, Sour will leave you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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