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Enchanted Forest: Unleashing Hidden Powers

Fantasy  Ireland 

Hideaways is a supernatural fantasy drama film directed by Agnès Merlet and written by Nick Vincent Murphy. The movie revolves around the Furlong family and their extraordinary capacity. Each elder of the family has a unique ability which they inherit from their ancestors. James, the eldest son of the Furlong family, has the ability to cause destruction and death with a single touch.

As the movie begins, James is a young boy living with his father and grandmother in a country house. He is unaware of his unique ability until an accident occurs which causes the death of his father and grandmother. James discovers his power when he touches his dying father, causing him to disintegrate into ash. Traumatized by the incident, James runs away and takes refuge in a nearby forest to avoid harming others with his power.

Years later, a teenage girl named Mae runs away from her troubled home and also takes refuge in the same forest where James is hiding. Mae, who is battling a terminal illness, meets James and they become friends. As they spend more time together, James teaches Mae about his ability and warns her to stay away from him.

Their friendship is tested when Mae's brother tracks her down in the forest, leading to a tragic chain of events. James is forced to use his power to protect Mae and her brother, but this results in devastating consequences.

Overall, Hideaways is a story about family, friendship, and the consequences of having extraordinary powers. The film offers a unique perspective on the supernatural genre and explores themes of isolation, acceptance, and self-discovery.


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