Guns Akimbo Movie Where To Watch

Battle for Redemption: Miles' Fight for Love and Survival

Comedy,Action  New Zealand,United Kingdom,Germany 

Miles (played by Daniel Radcliffe) is a mild-mannered video game designer who spends his days playing an online game that pits prisoners against each other in a deathmatch. Miles is a bit of a troll on the game's message boards, and one day he trolls the wrong person.

The wrong person turns out to be the operator of a dark website called "Skizm," which streams real-life deathmatches to millions of viewers. Skizm kidnaps Miles and surgically implants guns into his hands, forcing him to fight their top gladiator, a heavily armed woman named Nix (played by Samara Weaving).

Miles must adapt quickly to survive the fight and also save his ex-girlfriend Nova (played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo), who has been kidnapped by Skizm as leverage. Along the way, Miles learns some harsh truths about himself and the dark side of online culture.

Despite its dark subject matter, Guns Akimbo is a quirky and violent action-comedy that delivers plenty of thrills and laughs. Daniel Radcliffe and Samara Weaving are both excellent in their roles, and the film's inventive action sequences and frenetic pacing keep things moving quickly.


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